Compassionate, holistic antenatal classes celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community
Taught by registered midwives, and IBCLC lactation consultant
Having a baby is so often steeped in heteronormativity, that it can be a barrier to rainbow families accessing education about pregnancy, birth and parenting. Mainstream antenatal classes are often not an inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ parents. They often split the classes into groups: the 'mums' and the 'dads' . So for people who don't identify as mum or dad or perhaps have two mums in their family, what do they do? Which group do they go in? EMPWR's antenatal classes are designed differently; they are grounded in reproductive justice, bodily autonomy and self determination.
EMPWR classes are for any parent who wants to experience antenatal education in a new and innovative way.
Online Antenatal Course
Short on time? Not able to commit to weekly in person classes or perhaps the traditional classroom environment just isn't for you?
Well this online antenatal course is made for you!
The content you receive is exactly the same as the traditional 6 week antenatal class, but all in the comfort of your own home! So you're not missing out on anything that a traditional antenatal class gives you. Not only that, but all the resources and language is gender neutral and LGBTQIA+ focussed.


Not keen on a classroom environment and prefer to sit in the comfort of your own home? Then either our pre-recorded, self paced online antenatal course or zoom sessions are right for you. Available worldwide, wherever you are.
Hosted by Jess and Amy in Wellington, New Zealand. Join two queer midwives and childbirth educators for weekly in person antenatal classes.
Book in with IBCLC Arlene remotely if you need help and support with anything from induced lactation to co-feeding. Arlene specialises in feeding support for the queer community but is available to help anyone on their feeding journey.
"Pregnancy care is centred within a heteronormative rhetoric and now more than ever, our community deserves to feel seen, valid and represented."
Our Philosophy
We believe that every pregnant person has the right to access education from a qualified practitioner providing them with unbiased information so that they can make the right choices for their family.
Most antenatal classes are taught by childbirth educators, who do not have years of hands on experience or knowledge that a health professional has gained from being alongside hundreds of (if not more) parents birthing their babies. With real life experience of unmedicated water births at home, induction of labour for high risk pregnancy complications and elective caesareans for parental choice; we do not believe that there is any one "right" way to grow, birth or parent your baby.
EMPWR's antenatal classes will provide you with the knowledge and power to make informed decisions. We teach you the tools you need to navigate the healthcare system; regardless of your family dynamic. Solo parent by choice; sex worker; same sex couple; polyamorous families and anyone that identifies as LGBTQIA+ is welcome at EMPWR.
"The most amazing, inclusive, informative safe space I've ever come across and could dream of. Facilitates ALL family's and dynamics, navigates comfort zones and boundaries so healthily and made it so comfortable and easy to commuincate concerns or questions. Such a perfect antenatal class, such an amazing teacher. Thank you, I could not recommend EMPWR more."
“If you are looking for an unbiased informative antenatal class preparing you for parenthood in the best possible way, then don't look any further! Incredibly knowledgable and use latest studies and research. They run the classes in a very lovely way and always create a safe space for all sorts of questions & discussions. Highly recommend it!”